Allergies And Your Eye Health

How to Treat Eye Allergies

Allergies and eye infections can be troublesome, particularly in the spring. Pollen can be the culprit in both cases, and pollen is at its peak from May to July, so relief from itchy, watery eyes may not be in sight any time soon. Dr. Gary Tylock, a Dallas LASIK surgeon, offers some advice on dealing with allergies and eye health.
- Mind the pollen count. The newspaper, television, radio, and internet give pollen counts, so be aware of them, and you may be able to prevent allergy eyes by staying indoors. When the pollen count is high, ask someone to mow your lawn, if possible, and stay away from wooded areas.
- Take preventive measures. Wear protective sunglasses to help keep pollen out of your eyes, wash your hands and face immediately after coming inside, and shower before bed to avoid sleeping in pollen. Be aware that allergies and eye infections are often linked because allergic conjunctivitis can make someone more susceptible to viral and bacterial infections, which can lead to corneal ulcers. If your eyes are runny and itchy, and otc allergy eye drops do not provide relief, see your doctor before a serious condition develops.
- Keep it out of your house. Keep your doors and windows closed, and vacuum regularly, preferably with a vacuum that has a HEPA filter. Damp dust often, and leave your shoes at the door. Allergies and eye infections can be minimized by keeping a clean house.
- Consider allergy eye drops. The best allergy eye drops contain antihistamines to calm eye allergies, but there are also allergy eye drops that merely wash out the eye. A visit to your doctor may get you a prescription for an allergy eye drop, but you can buy allergy eye drops otc that may work fine. Ask your doctor for recommendations, to help relieve your allergies- eyes, nose, and all.
If you are ready to seek medical attention for your allergies and eye issues, consider Tylock eye care and Laser Center. Under the supervision of pioneering LASIK surgeon, Dr. Gary Tylock, the professional and friendly staff at Tylock provides excellent patient care with the latest in technology. For more information, visit the website, or connect with the online community on Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube.