Owner and Surgeon of Tylock-George Eye Care Passes Away Unexpectedly

LASIK Self-Test

Live Agent

Questions About Lasik or Cataract Surgery?

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Monday - Friday: 7:30AM - 9:00 PM

Saturday - Sunday: 11:00 - 5:00 PM

Now offering LASIK as little as $600 off/per eye

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Please complete our LASIK Self Evaluation Test and receive our latest promo!

  • What is your age range?
  • Which do you use most frequently?
  • Do you have trouble seeing far-away or up-close? Check all that apply.
  • Do you have or suspect you have any of the following? Check all that apply.
  • Which is the most important issue for you regarding your vision correction procedure?
  • If you were determined to be a good candidate, how soon would you like to have your procedure?