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Category: After LASIK

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Potential Reason to Choose PRK Instead of LASIK

PRK Surgery to Treat Your Cogan’s Dystrophy It’s hard enough as it is to wake up in the morning. Now add to that the possibility of waking up feeling like you have a small rock in your eye, accompanied by excessive tearing, light sensitivity, and blurry vision. Your eye was fine when you went to bed… Read More

After LASIK: What Recovery Looks Like

My LASIK Recovery Process LASIK is a popular procedure, with minimal pain and quick results, but some people wonder what happens after LASIK. Recovery from LASIK is not a particularly difficult process, and the results are nearly immediate. Here are some facts about what happens after the procedure: You will not have stitches in your… Read More

Dallas LASIK Post-Operative Eye Exams

Eye Exams after LASIK Dallas LASIK surgeon Dr. Gary Tylock and team explain what happens after LASIK in LASIK Post-Operative Exams. Are you considering having LASIK in Dallas? As with any surgery, post-operative care is important with LASIK. When you’re choosing your eye surgeon, you want to make sure that you choose one that provides… Read More